No confusing pricing tiers for you to understand.
I'm here to give parents like you the full strategy and support you need to solve your child's sleep challenges.
a few nights away from 12 hours of sleep
a few nights away from 12 hours of sleep
1:1 Premier Sleep Support & Coaching
Before we begin
Before we begin, you’ll receive a complete Sleep Evaluation that explores your child’s personality, current sleep environment, nap & bedtime routines and sleep strategies.
1:1 Coaching & Support
A 60 minute plan review to walk through your child’s personalized sleep plan together
4 weeks of unlimited daily messaging support allows you to ask questions and get answers in real time. We’ll talk through your challenges and celebrate your wins, giving you all the encouragement and support you need while your child is learning to sleep well!
7 nights of bedtime messaging support is designed to give you peace of mind at bedtime and boost your confidence as you go.
After Care & Support
I’ll provide you with helpful Sleep Resources to help you navigate the most common sleep challenges that you’ll likely encounter down the road.But that’s not all!
Every one-on-one coaching client receives FREE Anytime Check-Ins to use whenever you need, as your child grows and their sleep needs change. Whether it’s a question about a new sleep transition or developmental progression that’s disrupting sleep, I’ve got you covered!
1:1 Sleep Coaching & Support for $700
If you are local to the Boise, ID area and are interested in private sleep support in your home, please send an email for details on pricing and availability.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: In a world where there is so much information available at our fingertips, one problem remains: All sleep advice is not created equal.
When it comes to our kids, we want to be absolutely sure that we’re doing the right thing. Because our children are special little people with their own personalities and feelings - and their sleep issues tend to be as unique as they are. But reading a book or downloading a 30 page PDF doesn’t speak to any of that!
I want to get to know all about your family so I can provide a trusted space for you, as parents. More importantly, I want you to be successful! The coaching process is so personal for me and I know how important it is to have a black and white plan and someone in the trenches with you so you can ask unlimited questions and get clarification when you need it. That really is the missing piece of the puzzle and for so many families just like yours, it’s a complete game changer.
I understand that putting your faith in a total stranger can feel a little… awkward. My goal is to make you feel just as comfortable as you would with a trusted friend. Your job in all of this is to be your child’s support system and cheerleader, and mine is to be yours!
That’s why I believe in giving you the most value for your money. I’m never going to ask you to pay more for extra time or support. In fact, once we’ve worked together, you can come back anytime to work through sleep progressions and transitions - for free!
A: No parent, including me, likes to hear their child cry. But we also understand that our children may cry for many different reasons; some that we can control, and some that we cannot. When we make big changes around our habits, it can absolutely feel a bit uncomfortable and frustrating in the beginning. In fact, we are all prone to complaining - and even shedding tears when we commit to learning something new, because it’s hard. But it might surprise you to know that feeling this way is a totally natural and healthy process!
I’m going to equip you with very safe and specific guidelines so you’ll know exactly how to respond, when and how to support, and how to know when it’s time to cheer from the sidelines while your child discovers, practices, and masters their own sleep strategies. Keeping things consistent and predictable makes it easier for everyone, and ultimately helps to minimize the crying.
When you have everything you need, you can make these changes in a loving and supportive way and eliminate the mixed messages that can cause confusion and magnify crying. I’ll teach you how to refresh your view on the tears and how to listen to your child in a completely different way during this process. And of course, I’ll be with you every step of the way to provide suggestions and encouragement and lend a supportive ear.
A: The sleep strategies and advice I share with you are backed by science and tons of research. Everything we do has been carefully designed to help you see incredible results - quickly!
The truth is, your success is going to rely heavily on your commitment and follow through. When you trust me to guide you through the process, follow your plan and communicate with me regularly, I can guarantee that your child will be sleeping so much better in just a few days. Here are the kinds of changes you can expect…
By the end of week one, your child will be falling asleep with minimal to no crying, sleeping peacefully through the night, and waking up calm and content in the morning.
By the end of week two, your child will happily be taking longer, more restful naps in their crib! You’ll begin to notice how content they are in their sleep space and how much more interactive they become within their daytime environment.
By the end of week three, your child’s days and nights will be predictable and consistent and you’re going to notice how relaxed and restored you and your partner feel as a result. You may not even recognize yourselves!
A: Whenever you’re ready! As long as your child is making gains on the growth chart, is eating well during the day, and has their own designated sleep space we can begin as early as three months.
Some parents are nearing the end of maternity leave and want to have the sleep stuff figured out sooner and some parents prefer to wait until their baby is 6 months or older. There’s no right or wrong choice - it simply depends on what meets your family’s needs!
Yes! Actually, your sleep support never ends! I’ll provide you with helpful Sleep Resources to help you navigate the most common sleep challenges that you’ll likely encounter down the road.
Every one-on-one coaching client receives FREE Anytime Check-Ins to use, whenever you need, as your child grows and their sleep needs change. Whether it’s a question about a new sleep transition or developmental progression that’s disrupting sleep, I’ve got you covered!
A: Unfortunately, insurance does not yet cover sleep training. However, If you have an HSA or FSA program through your employee benefits program, I can provide you with a detailed invoice and the supporting documentation you’ll need to submit for direct payment and/or reimbursement. In most cases, this is a very smooth process and is as easy as using your debit card or credit card for purchases!