Krista Rice Krista Rice

Toddlers & Their Bedtime Shenanigans

I was so relieved when my baby started sleeping through the night, that I didn’t even care what hoops I had to jump through or how long it took to get him to sleep. And that was where I went wrong. Because babies who need help falling asleep turn into toddlers who need help falling asleep. And the older he got, the longer it took and the more ridiculous the hoop jumping became. Which is how, like so many parents, I got suckered into sleeping with my toddler every night. 

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Krista Rice Krista Rice

Back to School Sleep Tips

Alright, let me just start off here by saying, honestly and sincerely, no judgment for what might have gone down in the last couple of months. I know… I’m a child sleep consultant and you probably think that I’m going to harass you about the late bedtimes, unenforced rules, inconsistent schedules, or any number of things that may have taken place over your summer vacation. But that’s not going to happen. Because I get it. I really do

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Krista Rice Krista Rice

Is Sleep As Important As Nutrition?

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m a firm believer that feeding our kids a healthy, balanced diet is essential to their well-being. I might even agree that it’s the single most important factor when it comes to our children’s health.

But sleep is, if not equally as important, a very big contender.

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